Do Dogs Have Birthmarks? A Comprehensive Guide.

It’s a question that has puzzled pet owners for years – do dogs have birthmarks?

Dogs are known for their adorable markings – from the black spot on their nose to the white blaze on their chest. But do all dogs have these markings? What about birthmarks? Can dogs get birthmarks?

In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the different types of birthmarks that can occur in dogs, as well as how to identify them. 

We will also cover the causes of birthmarks in dogs and what you can do if your dog has one (Treating).

Dogs And Birthmarks

Dogs are known for their endless amounts of energy and adorable faces, but did you know they can also have birthmarks? Birthmarks are small markings that a dog is born with, and they can be anywhere on the body. 

If your dog has a birthmark, it’s important to learn what to do if something changes or if you have any questions. Keep reading to learn more about dogs and birthmarks.

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Do Dogs Have birthmarks?

Yes, dogs can have birthmarks! Pretty much any mammal can have a birthmark – they’re not just limited to humans. Birthmarks are simply areas of skin that contain more or less melanin than the surrounding skin. They can occur anywhere on the body.

Some breeds of dogs are more likely to have birthmarks than others. For example, Dalmatians are well known for their black-and-white spotted coats, but they can also have small black birthmarks. 

So if you notice a little spot on your pup that wasn’t there before, don’t worry – it’s probably just a harmless birthmark.

What are birthmarks, and what causes them in dogs?

Birthmarks, also known as nevus, are markings that are present on the skin at birth or shortly after. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic mutations, hormonal imbalances, or exposure to certain chemicals during pregnancy.

They can take many different forms, including patches of discolored skin, pigmented nevi, and vascular malformations.

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In dogs, birthmarks are relatively common and can occur in any color or pattern. However, they are most often shades of brown or black.

While most birthmarks are harmless, some can indicate underlying health conditions. For this reason, it is vital to have any new or unusual marks checked out by a veterinarian. With proper care, birthmarks need not cause any problems for dogs or their owners.

The different types of birthmarks that can occur in dogs

Birthmarks are relatively common in dogs, and a wide variety of different types can occur. The most common type of birthmarks are:

1. Pigmented Nevus (patches)

Pigmented Nevus is usually blue-gray, black, or brown. These birthmarks are caused by an overgrowth of pigment cells in the skin, typically harmless. They can also occur on your dog’s tongue.

2. Vascular birthmark

Another type of birthmark is a vascular birthmark, which occurs when blood vessels form abnormally in the skin. Vascular birthmarks can range in color from bright red to purple, and they may be raised or flat. While most vascular birthmarks are benign, some can be associated with underlying health conditions.

Other skin abnormalities

Other skin abnormalities can occur in dogs, which may be mistaken for birthmarks. These include:

1. Hair Whorls

Hair whorls are another type of birthmark that can occur in dogs. Hair whorls are caused by an interruption in the normal growth pattern of hair follicles. 

They typically appear as circular patches of hair that grow in the opposite direction from the surrounding hair. While hair whorls are usually nothing to worry about, they can sometimes indicate an underlying neurological condition.

2. Moles

Moles are growths on the skin that are usually dark in color. They can be benign or cancerous, so it’s vital to have them checked out by a veterinarian if you notice one on your dog.

3. Warts

Warts are growths that occur on the skin, and a virus causes them. Most are usually harmless, but they can be contagious to other dogs.

4. Skin Tags

Skin tags are small growths of skin that can occur anywhere on the body. They are usually benign, but they can become irritated if they are constantly rubbed or scratched.

5. Basal Cell Tumor 

Basal cell tumors are growths that occur on the skin, and they can be benign or cancerous. They are most common in older dogs, and they usually appear as a small, round, firm mass. If the tumor is cancerous, it may ulcerate or bleed.

6. Hematoma

A hematoma is a collection of blood that has leaked out of a blood vessel. It can occur anywhere on the body, but it is most common on earflaps. Hematomas are often caused by trauma, such as when a dog scratches or rubs its ear.

7. Skin Papilloma 

A skin papilloma is a benign growth that occurs on the skin. It is most common in young dogs, and it usually appears as a small, round, firm mass. Papillomas are not cancerous, but they can become ulcerated or bleed.

8. Melanoma

Melanomas are darkly pigmented tumors that can occur anywhere on the body. They are most commonly found on the skin but can also occur in the mouth, eyes, and nails. Melanomas are more common in dogs with dark-colored fur but can occur in any breed.

9. Vitiligo

This is a medical condition in which the skin loses its pigmentation. It can affect any area of the body, including the mucous membranes, hair, and nails. 

Vitiligo is not contagious and is not cancerous. It is believed to be an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the melanocytes, the cells that produce pigment.

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9. Dermoid cysts

Dermoid cysts are common in dogs and are often found on the head, neck, or back. They can be single or multiple and vary in size. Dermoid cysts are filled with keratin and sebum, the oily substance that lubricates the skin and hair.

 10. Ichthyosiform dermatosis

Ichthyosiform dermatosis is a skin disorder characterized by dry, scaly skin. This condition can be genetic or acquired. If your dog has this condition, it is crucial to keep the area around his mouth and nose clean and free of debris.

There are many hereditary skin conditions your dog could be born with. If they are managed properly, they will not have any bearing on your dog’s quality of life.

How to identify a birthmark on your dog

To identify birthmarks on your dog’s thick fur, comb through the coat with your fingers and look for any raised spots. If you find a raised spot, part the fur around it of getting a better look.

If the raised spot is discolored, it’s likely a birthmark. Birthmarks can be any color, but they’re usually darker than the dog’s normal fur color.

To identify birthmarks on your dog’s tongue, when you open his mouth, you will notice a bluish-black mark on the topside of his tongue. This is a birthmark, and it’s completely harmless.

Some dog breeds are prone to spotted tongues like Akita, Bichon Frise, Australian Shepherd, Tibetan Mastiff, Newfoundland, etc.

Some dogs are born with white spots on their fur, which are also called birthmarks. These spots can be any shape or size, and they’re usually located on the chest or belly.

While some dog breeds also develop black spots on their bodies as they age, such as Golden Retrievers, Rottweilers, and Labradors.

Treating Birthmarks (Nevus)

Although most birthmarks are harmless, some may be associated with more serious underlying conditions. Nevus is a birthmark that consists of a cluster of irregularly shaped pigment cells. Nevus may be present at birth or develop during the first few months of life.

Most nevi are benign and do not require treatment. However, large or dark nevi may be cosmetically undesirable and can be treated with laser therapy, Cryotherapy (freezing), and surgery. 

In rare cases, nevus may be associated with severe medical conditions such as skin cancer, so it is essential to consult a doctor if you have any concerns about a nevus.

Related Questions

Do dogs have birthmarks on their fur?

Yes, dogs can have birthmarks on their fur. However, these are usually not visible until the hair around the area starts to thin out or fall off. Birthmarks on dogs can be either congenital (present at birth) or acquired (develop after birth).

Do dogs have birthmarks on their tongues?

Yes, some dogs do have birthmarks on their tongues. These are usually pink, black, or red and can be found on the tip of the tongue or along the sides or have a tongue that appears completely black. Birthmarks on the tongue are not uncommon and are nothing to worry about.

Final Note – Do Dogs Have Birthmarks

Dogs are born with birthmarks, and some can develop them at any time in their lives. A variety of things can cause birthmarks which we have listed above.

Dogs with birthmarks should have regular checkups with a veterinarian to ensure that the marks are not causing any health issues.

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