When Do Corgi Ears Stand Up? (All You Should Know)

Do you have a Corgi and are curious when their ears stand up? Wonder no more! This definitive guide will answer all of your questions. 

Corgis are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, and their adorable ears always seem to make people smile. When do Corgi ears stand up, and why do they do it? Keep reading to find out!

When do Corgi ears stand up?

Corgis typically have their ears standing up by the time they reach six months old. However, some Corgis take a bit longer and may not have their ears upright until they are eight months old or older. 

There is no need to worry if your Corgi isn’t showing signs of upright ears by six months, but it is good to keep an eye on them if you need to address a problem.

It’s also important to note that Corgi’s ears may not stand up perfectly straight. They may have a bit of a curve to them, and that’s okay! As long as they are standing up tall and proud, your Corgi is doing just fine.

What determines when a Corgi’s ears stand up?

There is no one answer to this question, as each Corgi is unique. Some will stand their ears up at a very young age, while others may not do so until they are older. 

Certain things can trigger Corgi’s ears to stand up, such as excitement, fear, or aggression. However, there is no set rule as to when they will stand up, and each Corgi will have his or her own individual preference.

Some people believe that the position of a Corgi’s ears can indicate their mood or emotional state. For example, if Corgi’s ears are standing up straight, it may indicate that they are excited or happy; however, if their ears are flat against their head, it could mean something wrong.

Other Factors That Affect When Corgi Ears Stand Up:

Many different factors can affect when a Corgi’s ears stand up. These include but are not limited to the following:

1. Breed

A dog’s breed can play a role in when Corgi ears stand up. Some breeds, such as the Australian Cattle Dog, typically have their ears standing up by 12 weeks old or younger. 

However, other breeds like the Basset Hound do not typically have upright ears until they are much older (usually around six to eight months old).

2. Age

Age is another factor determining when a Corgi’s ears stand up. As mentioned earlier, Corgis typically have their ears standing up by the time they reach six months old. 

However, there is a lot of variation between individual dogs, and some may not have their ears upright until they are much older.

3. Health

The health of the dog can also play a role when Corgi’s ears stand up. Dogs that are healthy and have no problems with their hearing typically have their ears standing up sooner than those that are not as healthy.

4. Emotional State

The dog’s emotional state can also affect when their ears stand up. Dogs that are excited, fearful, or aggressive typically have their ears standing up.

5. Environment

The environment in which a Corgi lives can also play a role when their ears stand up. Dogs that live in a loud or noisy environment may have their ears standing up sooner as they are constantly exposed to loud noises. 

Conversely, dogs that live in a quiet environment may not have their ears standing up until they reach ten months old or older.

6. Training

Training a Corgi can also play a role in when their ears stand up. Dogs that are properly trained and know how to respond to commands typically have their ears standing up sooner than those not as well trained.

As you can see, there is no one answer to when Corgi’s ears stand up. Each dog is unique and will exhibit different behaviors depending on various factors. 

So the next time you are wondering why your Corgi’s ears are standing up, just take a closer look at their environment and see what might be causing the reaction. You may be surprised at what you find!

The different meanings behind standing Corgi ears

As we mentioned earlier, the position of a Corgi’s ears can sometimes give away their emotional state. When Corgi’s ears are standing up straight, they usually feel happy or excited. 

Depending on their breed, other meanings can be associated with a Corgi’s ears standing up. For example, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi’s ears will stand up when they are alert or feeling defensive, while the Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s ears usually stand up when they are excited or happy.

So the next time you see your Corgi’s ears standing up, take a moment to try and figure out what they might be trying to tell you! It could be that your pup is feeling happy, excited, scared, or defensive – and each of these emotions can mean different things.

How to make sure your Corgi’s ears stand up properly

There is no right way to make a Corgi’s ears stand up – each dog will have their individual preference. However, there are some things you can do to help encourage your Corgi’s ears to stand up.

1. One thing that often works is giving your pup a good scratch behind the ears. This will help stimulate the muscles and nerves in the area, which can cause the ears to stand up.

2. You can also play with your Corgi’s ears. Gently pulling on them or rubbing them between your fingers will help to get them standing up.

3. Finally, make sure that your Corgi feels comfortable and happy. A relaxed and content dog is more likely to stand its ears up than one that is stressed or anxious.

So as you can see, there are a variety of things you can do to help your Corgi’s ears stand up properly. It may take some time and trial and error to figure out what works best for your pup, but with a little patience and effort, you should be able to get those cute Corgi ears standing tall!

When you should be concerned about your Corgi’s ear health

As we’ve just seen, a Corgi’s ears can stand up for a variety of reasons. When they are happy or excited, it’s usually an indication that something good is happening (or about to happen). 

When they are scared or defensive, it could mean that something bad might be going on in their environment – perhaps another dog is approaching or making a strange noise. 

When a Corgi feels relaxed and content, their ears will often stand up too!

But when should you be concerned about your Corgi’s ear health? When does it become more than just an indication of how they’re feeling? When should we start worrying that there might be something wrong?

Well, there are a few key things to look out for when it comes to Corgi’s ear health. One of the most common issues is Ear Infections. 

1. Ear Infections. These can be caused by a variety of factors, such as allergies, bacteria, or fungus. If your Corgi is constantly shaking its head or scratching at its ears, or if you see any discharge coming from them, then it’s likely that they have an ear infection, and you should take him or her to the vet.

2. Ear Mites. These pesky parasites can cause a lot of irritation and discomfort for your Corgi and can often lead to infections. If you think your Corgi might have ear mites, take them to the vet so they can be treated as soon as possible.

3. If your Corgi’s ears are standing up for long periods – more than a few hours – then it may indicate something is wrong with their health. When in doubt, always consult your veterinarian!

Read Also:

Fun facts about Corgi ears

1. Did you know that the average Corgi has more than 30 different muscles in each ear? This allows them to move and rotate their ears in all sorts of directions. A Corgi can turn one ear towards you when they’re standing up while keeping the other pointed straight ahead! 

2. They also have an extremely sensitive hearing – so don’t be surprised if your Corgi seems always to know when you’re coming home.

3. Another fun fact about Corgi ears is that they are one of the few breeds whose ears will continue to grow throughout their life. So even if your Corgi’s ears are standing up perfectly now, there’s a good chance they’ll start to droop a little as they get older. But don’t worry – they’ll still look just as adorable!

Famous dogs with standing Corgi ears

1. One of the most famous dogs with standing ears is Queen Elizabeth II’s Corgi named Susan. When she was a puppy, her ears were so long that they almost reached down to her knees! When she grew up, however, they started to stand up more and now only go about halfway down. She has been photographed many times with her ears standing tall and is a true ambassador for the Corgi breed.

2. Another famous dog standing Corgi ears is Snoopy from the comic strip Peanuts. His signature look is of him lying on his doghouse, with his long ears sticking straight up in the air. 

The character was actually based on Charles Schulz’s real-life Corgi named Spike!

What to do if your Corgi’s ears won’t stand up

If your Corgi’s ears just don’t stand up, there are a few things you can do to help them out. One of the most important is to ensure they’re getting enough exercise. When they’re tired, their muscles will be less likely to fight against gravity and keep their ears standing up. You can also try giving them some extra calcium in their diet, which can strengthen the bones and help them keep their shape.

Finally, remember that not all Corgis are born with perfectly straight ears! Some are slightly lop-sided or off to one side, and others may even have one ear that droops down lower than the other. As long as your Corgi is healthy and happy, don’t worry too much about their ears – they’ll still look adorable no matter what!

Why are my Corgi ears floppy?

There can be a few reasons why your Corgi’s ears are floppy. One of the most common is that they’re not getting enough exercise. When Corgis aren’t active, their muscles weaken and eventually give up, causing the ears to droop down. You can help prevent this by ensuring your Corgi get plenty of exercises and playing with them regularly.

Corgis are known for their floppy ears. But why are they floppy? There are several reasons why Corgi’s ears may be floppy. Genetics can play a role, as well as the age of your Corgi. The environment can also impact whether or not Corgi’s ears stand up. 

For example, if your dog is constantly in high wind areas or gets wet often, their ears may stay flopped down more often than not.


Genetics is the most common reason for Corgi’s ears to be floppy. If your Corgi’s parents or grandparents had droopy ears, it’s likely that your dog will too. 

You can do a few things to help your Corgi’s ears stand up if they are having trouble doing so on their own. First, make sure they are getting enough good-quality protein in their diet. Protein is essential for healthy cartilage and can help keep your dog’s ears upright. You can also try giving your Corgi a supplement specifically designed to help support healthy cartilage. 


The environment can also play a role in whether or not Corgi’s ears stand up. As mentioned earlier, if your dog is constantly in high wind areas or gets wet often, their ears may stay flopped down more often than not. 

If you are having trouble getting your Corgi’s ears to stand up, try changing their environment a bit. Move them to a place where it is calm and quiet, and keep them away from high-wind areas. 

Make sure they have plenty of opportunities to dry off after baths or swimming, and don’t let them stay wet for long periods.


Age can also be a factor in whether or not Corgi’s ears stand up. As dogs get older, their cartilage may start to thin, and this can cause their ears to droop. However, there are things you can do to help support your dog’s cartilage and keep their ears in good shape. 

If you are concerned about your Corgi’s age and floppy ears, be sure to talk to your veterinarian. They may be able to recommend a supplement or other treatment plan that will help keep your Corgi’s ears healthy and upright.

Tips On How to care for Corgi’s ears?

Caring for Corgi’s ears is relatively easy. Here are a few tips to help you out:

1. Make sure to clean your Corgi’s ears regularly. This will help prevent ear infections and other problems.

2. Be careful not to insert anything into your Corgi’s ears. This can cause damage and lead to infection.

3. Watch for signs of infection or inflammation, such as redness, swelling, or discharge. If you notice any of these symptoms, immediately take your Corgi to the vet.

Should I crop My Corgi Ears?

Cropping Corgi ears is a personal decision. Some people choose to trim their Corgi’s ears because they think it looks cute, while others do it for health reasons.

There are pros and cons to cropping Corgi ears. On the one hand, cropped ears can help prevent ear infections and other problems. 

On the other hand, it can also cause pain and discomfort for your dog. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons before deciding whether or not you should crop your Corgi’s ears.

Here are some things to consider:

1. How well do you handle pains? Corgis are not a particularly sensitive breed, but they can still feel pain. If you’re not comfortable inflicting pain on your dog, then you may want to skip the cropping surgery.

2. Are there any health benefits to cropped ears? There may be health benefits to cutting Corgi ears, such as preventing ear infections. However, these benefits are not guaranteed.

3. How much does cropping surgery cost? Cropping surgery can be expensive, so you’ll need to consider your budget before making a decision.

4. What is the standard for cropped Corgi ears? There is no one “standard” for cropped Corgi ears. Some people prefer a very short crop, while others prefer a longer crop. It’s up to you to decide what look you want for your dog.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to crop your Corgi’s ears is up to you. You should weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision about what’s best for your dog. Good luck!

Should I tape My Corgi ears?

So, should you tape your Corgi’s ears?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Some people believe that taping a Corgi’s ears can help them stand up sooner, while others believe it causes more harm than good. 

Corgi ears stand up when the dog is young, but they often fold over as the dog gets older. If you’re not happy with the way your Corgi’s ears look, you may want to consider taping them.

The best way to find out what works for your Corgi is by giving them plenty of time and observing their ears. If they are not standing up by the time they reach six months old, then you may want to consider taping them.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you decide to tape your Corgi’s ears:

1. Taping Corgi ears can be a bit tricky. It’s important to ensure the tape is secure and won’t come off in the middle of a training session.

2. Make sure to check your Corgi’s ears regularly for redness, swelling, or infection. If you notice any problems, stop taping the ears and take your dog to the vet.

3. Taping Corgi ears can help them stand up more permanently, but it’s not a guaranteed solution. Some Corgis will still have floppy ears even after they’ve been taped.

If you’re unhappy with the way your Corgi’s ears look, taping them may be a good option for you. Just make sure to do your research first and consult with your vet if you have any concerns.

Conclusion: When Do Corgi Ears Stand Up?

Corgi ears stand up when they are happy and excited. They also perk up to listen, so it is often a good idea for people with hearing difficulties or those who want their dog’s attention to use signs that involve the head as well as words. Now you know!

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