Why Do Dogs Cry In Their Sleep? 8 Possible Reasons

Do you ever hear your dog whimpering or crying in their sleep? If so, you’re not alone. Many people have asked this question, but the answer is not entirely clear. 

Some people believe that dogs cry in their sleep because they are dreaming about something happy, like playing with a toy or being around their owners. Others believe that dogs may be experiencing anxiety or pain in their dreams.

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While it’s not entirely clear what causes dogs to cry in their sleep, there are a few possible explanations. In this blog post, we’ll explore some theories behind why dogs cry in their sleep and discuss how to help them if they’re experiencing this behavior.

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Dog sleep cycles

Most people are familiar with the sleep cycle of humans – we spend around 7-8 hours asleep and 16 hours awake each day. However, few people know that dogs also have their own sleep cycles.

The average dog sleeps for 10-12 hours per day. Despite these differences, both humans and dogs need quality sleep in order to stay healthy and function properly.

Dogs experience 2 phases of sleep in a complete cycle. Sleeping is vital for all animals, as it helps to restore energy levels and repair tissue damage. 

During sleep, dogs enter a state of REM (rapid eye movement), which is characterized by increased brain activity and accompanied by dreaming. Dogs spend about 1 to 10 minutes in each REM sleep cycle.

In contrast, NREM (non-REM) sleep is a deeper state of rest, characterized by slower brain activity. Dogs cycle between these two states throughout the night, spending more time in complete REM sleep during the early morning hours.

Understanding your dog’s sleeping patterns can help you to provide them with the best possible care. However, remember that dog sizes matter when it comes to how much sleep they need – small dogs tend to sleep less than large dogs.

What do dogs dream about? 

Intriguingly, dogs and humans share similar sleep patterns. Both experience rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is when most dreaming occurs.

However, researchers aren’t quite sure what dogs dream about. One possibility is that they dream about everyday activities, such as chasing a rabbit or going for a walk. 

Another possibility is that they dream about past experiences, such as being in a shelter or being trained by their owner.

Dogs may also dream about potential future events, such as going on a vacation or meeting a new dog. 

No matter what dogs dream about, it’s clear that they experience the same type of sleep as humans. This shared trait may be one of the many ways humans and dogs have become such close companions over the years. Who knows?

So the next time your dog twitches in his sleep, don’t be alarmed – he’s just catching up on his Z’s! Remember a popular saying; it is best to let sleeping dogs lie.

Signs your dog is dreaming.

Have you ever been lying in bed, deeply asleep, when suddenly you start to dream? Maybe you dream of flying or winning the lottery. Perhaps you dream of being chased by a giant chicken. 

Whatever the content of the dream, it is likely that your body will respond in some way. You might start to twitch or kick, and you might make quiet noises as you sleep.

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Dogs experience similar types of dreams, and they also exhibit physical signs that they are dreaming. If you notice your dog twitching or kicking while sleeping, there’s a good chance he is dreaming.

In addition, many dogs make soft whimpering noises when they dream. So if you hear your dog making strange quiet noises in his sleep, it’s likely that he is dreaming. 

Of course, not all dogs exhibit all of these signs when they dream. But if you notice any of these signs, it’s a good bet that your dog is experiencing a vivid dream.

8 Reasons Dogs Whimper And Cry in Their Sleep

Many people are familiar with the phenomenon of dogs whimpering or crying in their sleep. While this behavior may be unsettling, it is actually quite normal. 

There are a number of reasons why dogs may whimper or cry while they are asleep, including:

1. They are having a bad dream (Nightmare): 

Just like humans, dogs can have nightmares. If your dog is whimpering or crying in his sleep, he is likely experiencing a bad dream. However, there is no need to worry – just like human dreams, dog dreams are not real, and your dog will soon forget about them.

2. They are in pain: 

If your dog is whimpering or crying in his sleep, it could be a sign that he is in pain. This is especially true if the whining is accompanied by restlessness or panting. If you think your dog is in pain, it is important to take them to the vet for an examination.

3. They are Bored (Boredom): 

If your dog is bored, he may start to cry in his sleep. This is because boredom can lead to restless sleep and dreams about things your dog wants to do, like play fetch or run. If you think your dog is bored, try to provide them with more toys and activities to keep them occupied.

4. Separation Anxiety: 

Another reason dogs may cry or whimper in their sleep is separation anxiety. This condition causes dogs to feel anxious when they are away from their owners. 

If your dog has separation anxiety, he may cry or whimper in his sleep because he misses you. 

If you think your dog has separation anxiety, it is important to speak to your vet or a qualified behaviorist for advice on how to help them.

5. Seizures: 

 Seizures often result in involuntary muscle spasms and twitching, which can cause a dog to whimper or cry out in discomfort. 

In some cases, the seizure may also cause the dog to urinate or defecate on itself. If your dog has a seizure, staying calm and keeping them safe until the episode passes is important. 

You should avoid trying to restrain them, as this can increase their anxiety and make the seizure worse. If the seizure lasts more than five minutes or your dog appears in distress, you should contact your veterinarian for emergency care.

Symptoms of seizures in dogs include:

  • Collapsing
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Muscle twitching
  • Drooling
  • Urinating or defecating
  • Jerking
  • Vocalizing while sleeping

A variety of things can cause seizures, so if your dog is having them, it is important to take them to the vet for an examination.

6. Traumatic life events: 

Dogs may whimper and cry in their sleep due to traumatic life events. If a dog has been through a traumatic experience, such as being abandoned or abused, he may cry out in his sleep. Dogs may also whimper if they are in pain due to an injury or illness. 

7. Puppy behavior: 

When dogs first start to sleep, they often whimper and cry as their bodies adjust to the lack of movement. This is especially true for puppies, who are still getting used to the idea of sleeping for extended periods. 

However, most dogs will outgrow this behavior and will stop whimpering and crying in their sleep within a few weeks.

8. REM behavior disorder & Age: 

Dogs typically whimper and cry during their sleep due to REM behavior disorder. This condition causes them to act out their dreams.

In severe cases, dogs may even lash out and bite their owners or nearby objects. While the condition is most commonly seen in older dogs, it can occur at any age. 

The exact cause of REM behavior disorder is unknown. Still, it appears to be linked to an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain.

What should I do if my dog cries while sleeping?

Dogs are typically known for being loyal, loving companions. But sometimes, their behavior can be enigmatic – like when they cry while sleeping. 

We have listed some of the few possible explanations for this behavior. The good news is that you can help your dog feel better with the tips below:

1. If you think your dog is having a nightmare, try gently waking him up and reassuring it with a soft voice and petting:

Some people believe that dogs have nightmares just like humans do. If your dog is crying in its sleep and seems disturbed, you can try gently waking it up. Call its name in a soft, reassuring voice and offer some physical comfort with petting or a hug.

However, be careful not to startle your dog too much – you don’t want to worsen the nightmare.

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2. Pay attention to other signs: If your dog seems depressed or anxious during the day, it may contribute to nighttime crying.

Look for other signs that your dog is feeling down during the day, such as decreased energy levels, lack of interest in play, and changes in appetite. If you notice any of these things, your dog’s crying at night may be due to depression or anxiety.

Many ways to help a dog with these issues include behavior modification, training, and medication. Talk to your veterinarian about the best course of action for your dog.

3. Provide comfort: Sometimes, a dog may just need some extra reassurance at night.

If your dog usually is calm and happy during the day but cries at night while crying, it may just need some extra comfort. 

Try placing a blanket or toy near its sleeping area with your scent. You can also try sleeping in the same room as your dog for a night or two to provide extra reassurance.

4. Limit access to distractions: If your dog is crying in its sleep, one way to help is to limit his access to things that may trigger them.

This means keeping your dog away from anything that may serve as a reminder of a traumatic event or make it anxious, such as loud noises or stressful situations. 

If your dog is afraid of thunderstorms, for example, make sure it has a safe, quiet place to go during one.

Should I wake my dog up from a bad dream?

It’s 3 a.m., and you’re jolted awake by a Sound that can only mean one thing: your dog has a bad dream. Do you wake them up? Let them continue to sleep? Or just hope that they’ll soon snap out of it?

As any pet owner knows, our furry friends can have some pretty strange dreams – sometimes happy, sometimes scared, and sometimes downright bizarre.

While it’s tempting to want to comfort them during a nightmare, it’s actually best to let them sleep it off. 

Waking them up mid-dream can cause confusion and may startle them more than the nightmare itself. The best thing you can do is wait it out and provide some reassuring words or cuddles once they wake up on their own. 

In the meantime, try not to disturb their sleep too much – after all, we all need our beauty rest.

Also, disrupting REM sleep can cause long-term sleep problems or severe mental health issues.

You should be more concerned and wake them up if the crying is prolonged, you notice a seizure, or maybe it’s a dream about something happening to them in real life.

Why does my dog cry at night?

If your dog is crying at night, it could be for several reasons. He may be feeling scared or anxious, or he may be in pain

If he’s lonely, he may simply be barking for attention. It’s also possible that he’s hearing noises outside and wants to alert you to them. 

Whatever the reason, it’s important to try to figure out why your dog is crying so that you can address the problem.

For example, if he’s in pain, you’ll want to take him to the vet for an examination. You may need to provide more companionship during the day if he’s feeling lonely. 

Also, if he hears noises outside, you may need to block the sound with a white noise machine or other noise-canceling devices.

Understanding why your dog is crying can help him feel more comfortable and at ease.

Conclusion: Why do dogs cry in their sleep?

Dogs cry in their sleep for all sorts of reasons, just as humans do. While the occasional whimper or moan may not be cause for alarm, if your dog regularly makes noise while sleeping, it’s worth investigating what might be causing the problem.

If you have more questions about why your furry friend is crying in his slumber, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian. They will be able to help you determine whether there is an underlying medical condition and how best to treat it. 

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